Monday, December 28, 2015

Want to reply all inquires? Must Known notice here for you

AlibabaGold Supplier Search Buyers | My Alibaba | Seller Channel
Important Update to Inquiry Policy
Only Gold Suppliers* can reply to inquires beginning in 2016 January!
Dear Respectable Brady ,
In order to improve buyers' experience and provide better services to our customers, Alibaba decides to reserve the inquiry reply function to Gold Supplier Members* starting from 2016 January.
After Alibaba New Inquiry Policy take effect, newly-upgraded Gold Suppliers can only reply inquires received as "Gold Supplier" status , and cannot not reply history inquires.
Upgrade to Get Buyers
Want to reply all inquires? Upgrade to Gold Supplier Membership with our special offer now!
Learn more about Gold Supplier here.

If you have any concern you can find us by

Wishing you the very best of business,

* Verified Members can reserve the inquiry reply function till the end of the service term.

* Project details and launch time are subjected to alibaba final confirmation. is a B2B website and not a supplier.

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