Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brady, get 8x more exposure to buyers worldwide with Gold Supplier

Global Gold Supplier
Get 8x more exposure to buyers worldwide with Gold Supplier!

Dear Brady Peter,

Have you ever checked how your products are ranking on Alibaba.com? With a Gold Supplier Membership, you"ll get:

Unlimited product display to maximize your exposure to
First-level Priority Listing so that buyers see and choose
     you first
8x more exposure in buyer search results with
     showcased key products

If you can' t see your products, neither can buyers, so upgrade to a Gold Supplier Membership now to maximize your business opportunities!

Upgrade Now!

Exclusive Gold Supplier Features

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    contact details only available to Gold Suppliers.

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    measure helps you gain immediate trust as a legitimate company and serious supplier.

Learn More

Upgrade to Gold Supplier today and maximize your exposure to potential buyers worldwide!

Upgrade Now!

For more information on our Gold Supplier Membership, contact our service team or
call +86-571-8815-8062 (09:00 - 18:00, GMT+8) today.

Wishing you the very best of business,

Alibaba.com Global Sales

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